Monday, March 17, 2008

Hope your as Lucky as We are!

Hope you all were wearing green today! Trenton was a pinching machine if someone wasn't wearing green. He could hardly wait until school today because he wanted to see if he had caught the Lepreachaun. Unforchuntly he didn't but he did leave him a gold dollar under one of his friends traps in a pot of gold! That made his day. Thanks again Dad for helping him make his trap.....better luck next time!


Thompson Family said...

How cute is that missing front tooth, love it!!

It was good seeing you today, wish I could chatted longer. Mother of the year running late right here :-)

Hope you guys have a great St. Patty's Day!

Wendy Christensen said...

I thought Trenton's trap was so fun and creative - I've suprised HE didn't get all the gold :) - I love your St. Patty's slide show!